From my drawer:

Ewa Pobłocka also willingly devotes herself to literary activities – she has published her essays in, among others: Zeszty Literackie, Kwartalnik Artystyczny Wyspa and Kwartalnik Literacki Bliza. Her first book, ‘Forte-piano’, was released in 2021 by the publishing house Słowa/obraz terytoria. She is working on another book, devoted to Bach's significance in her artistic path.


Ewa Pobłocka's critically acclaimed phonographic output includes over 50 albums, covering solo, chamber and concert repertoire from the baroque to the present, performed on contemporary and period instruments from Chopin's era. They were recorded, among others, for Deutsche Grammophon, Pony Canyon, Victor JVC, Conifer Records, Polskie Nagrania "Muza", NIFC, CD Accord and BeArTon. She was the first Polish pianist to record both volumes of Bach's Das Wohltemperierte Klavier (NIFC 2018, 2023). The album with the first volume was included on the list of the 50 best Bach recordings in history published by the prestigious "Gramophone" magazine, and was also awarded by this magazine as the album of the month.


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Marcin Gorayski

Agencja Artystyczna enterMezzo
tel. 500 659 199

Mateusz Hyży
tel. 507 139 432

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